Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week of April 10th

Holy Week... 
Teaching children about the events of Holy Week can be a lot harder than teaching them about Christmas with its birth of a special baby, heavenly hosts of angels, and wise men bearing gifts coming from afar. Now the baby Jesus is a grown man, cheered by crowds as he enters Jerusalem, telling his followers to eat his body and drink his blood, and then arrested and killed in a cruel manner before rising from the dead. Where do we begin? This week I encourage you to get out your bibles, read, and talk with your second graders about the events that led up to Jesus' resurrection. When questions arise, answer them honestly. What a great way to remember that Jesus died for us so that we could be together with him in heaven!

We will read from John 19:16-42 and discuss the virtue of SELF-SACRIFICE. We define self-sacrifice as God's power for you to give something up to help others. Our power to love self-sacrificially comes through the self-sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross. Our small acts of self-sacrifice are imitations of His great act, and we can perform them with joy knowing that our Lord and God has gone before us, has suffered for us, and has loved us to perfection. During your discussions this week, ask yourselves, "Where do you find the power and motivation to sacrifice for others?"

This week is a "reading assessment week," so we will not have normal reading routines. The kiddos will be taking Unit Test #5... and just to refresh your memories with assessment weeks, there will be NO SPELLING and no "story of the week" or reading test. 
I know. Please don't cry too much.

Instead of our regular routines, we will do an author study on Mo Willems!! 
Mo is the author of the ever-famous Pigeon books, Piggy and Elephant books, Knuffle Bunny, and many others. By studying Mo's craft, we too will try writing like him! For example, using speech or thought bubbles, and a variety of text sizes, your kiddos will be excited to try this novel way of writing. 

  • NO SCHOOL  April 14th - Good Friday
  • NO SCHOOL April 17th - Easter Monday 
  • April 27th - Elementary Grandparents Day and Elementary Operetta
  • May 1st - 5th - Standardized Test week! 
  • May 10th - our class chapel service AND "Author Celebration!"
  • Also... please see end of blog for a personal note from my family
Here's a look back on how excited your children were to celebrate and share some of their recent writing pieces... 

And this is what the room looks like when Mrs. Leet asks everyone to alphabetize their cursive writing pages... LOVED THIS!
This is a note from my husband. I just thought I'd throw it out there. 
Read to see if you'd like to join us... 


On Saturday, April 29th at 9 am, The Klug Family will sponsor a group running in the "Walk with a Friend" 5K race.  The race is a ton of fun and raises money for a tremendous organization, Friends of Kids with Cancer.  The event has a one-mile walk option (for those less inclined to run), is pet and kid friendly, features breakfast options from First Watch, and lots more for a $25 donation per participant.
  Plus you get an official race T-Shirt!

For those of you who do not already know, the charity Friends of Kids with Cancer is special to our family.  Our daughter, Malorie was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer called ependymoma when she was just 2 years old. Mal has endured several surgeries, a full battery of radiation treatments, and recurrent treatment ever since.  Last November, our family celebrated God’s blessings as Malorie met a major milestone, 5-years in remission.
  This milestone exponentially increases the chances that her cancer will never come back!  Over the course of our journey, Friends of Kids has been right there with us.  They are a local St. Louis-based organization, and they have been an immeasurable part of our life since their representative walked into our hospital room back in 2011. Their support staff provide a continual presence in the lives of families with children battling cancer in ways other organizations do not.  They meet cancer patients every morning in the hospital with a toy.  They provide tutoring to kids who cannot attend school due to their diagnosis.  They host events to make kids fighting cancer feel special.  They are simply incredible!

In 2012, Rachel and I held a trivia night to show our gratitude and mobilize support for Friends of Kids.  The video below is from that trivia night.  I apologize to those who have seen it already; it is dated, but gives some of the background of our fight in a way that this email cannot.
  I’ll tell you all what, if we raise more than $1,000 for Friends of Kids this year, I will make a new video for next year!

With all that being said, we would be honored if you, your family or anyone you know who wants to fight for kids battling cancer considered joining us on April 29th.  We view it as a great way to celebrate God's blessings to our family over the past 5+ years while supporting a terrific organization.

The details for the event and the registration link are located at the web page below.  Fun Fact: The picture on the webpage is Micah, Malorie and me finishing the run last year!
  Click the link to see that great picture if nothing else! 
We are registered as a “Family Team" for the run, and our team’s name is “Mal’s Pals.”  Please make sure you input that team name in the notes, and we will pick up your t-shirts and race packets and have them at our table on the morning of the race.  Also, if you decide to join us, please send me an email at  Rachel and I are planning on a small clothing item to identify all the team members so we can all find each other that morning.  Rachel was not a fan of the grey headbands from last year, so be ready for Mal and Rachel to come up with a much cooler clothing item this year!

Blessings, and hope to see you there,
Billy Klug

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