Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week of December 18th

This sure is a busy time of year. I love that your sweet second graders have been praying every morning to help us all remember the true reason for this Christmas season! 
They sure have their eyes fixed on Jesus! 
Here are some notes for this short three-day week 
and a look back on some fun things from last week... 

This week's NEWS and NOTES
TODAY - December 18th - 2nd Change Challenge Collection 
TODAY - December 18th - CCLS Advent Service 6:30pm (your child should arrive by 6:25 and sit in the pews with our class)
December Reading Logs Due ANY DAY THIS WEEK!
December 20th - Class Christmas Party! 
December 21st - Christmas breaks begins

Last week, we had a special visitor come in and help us find answers to questions we had about Jesus. We LOVE our pastors!
 We shared lots of learning during independent reading...

And, we also really enjoyed reading the story of Jesus' birth and making inferences... 
along with a little art lesson on color value...

 Come check out the finished masterpieces in the hall!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week of December 11th

Happy Monday! One more full week of school before Christmas break. The children are getting anxious, but it will be nice to have one more "normal" week of learning before our shortened week. Here's a look back on last week. 

Did you hear about our "Hour of Code?" 
If not, ask your second grader about how they dabbled with coding last week!
Wow! Many of them know way more than I do! 

This week we'll continue to read about the story of Jesus' birth. As we read, we'll discuss how we think the different characters were feeling and carry on the topic of "making inferences" as we read different perspectives of the Christmas story from The Bible. Your second graders sure have enjoyed using bibles, finding passages, and discussing their knowledge! 

One more week of spelling before break! The students will read, sort, and spell words with the "bossy R" this week. These r-controlled words have the "ar" and "or" spelling patterns. 

Inferring is kind of like the big umbrella and predicting fits neatly under it. But what’s the difference between them? We'll be investigating the two this week... Predicting is when you use your schema + clues the author gives you to make an “educated” guess. A prediction can usually be confirmed or denied through further reading. Making inferences also requires your schema + clues the author gives you to make a guess, but inferences are not clearly confirmed or denied through reading. Wow! We'll be working hard! 

Our targeted grammar skill will challenge second graders to identify linking verbs and helping verbs this week.

In their own writing, Students have been publishing and practicing some "free writing" as they finish. Stay tuned for a nonfiction publishing party!

This week's NEWS and NOTES
  • Week of December 17th - 2nd Change Challenge Collection 
  • Last month we collected about $110.00 dollars! What a great start to our $250 goal! 
  • December 17th - CCLS Advent Service 6:30pm  
  • December Reading Logs Due December 21st
  • December 21st - Class Christmas Party!   
  • December 21st - End of 2nd Quarter - Christmas breaks begins

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Week of December 4th

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... What a wonderful time of year!
Last week was a great week. It was so refreshing to dive back into our routines. 
Hopefully you heard, or maybe even saw, our class book arrived!! These second graders were thrilled to have their OWN PUBLISHED book! Wow! What an accomplishment!

We also celebrated Charlie's 8th birthday this week! 
Happy birthday, Charlie! 

And, our trip to Global Foods was a success! 
Hopefully those reports are coming along! 
We're excited to hear some of them next week already! 

Here's what's going on this week...

Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation, a time of celebration of Jesus’ coming.
Just like a mom and dad have to prepare for a baby that’s on the way, or a host has to prepare to throw a party, we ask God to prepare our hearts for the birth of His son, Jesus. We will continue to use these weeks before Christmas to study the Christmas story, read it from The Bible, and maybe even do some inferring of the "characters feelings." 

We'll be reading, sorting and spelling three letter consonant blends this week... (For example, words with scr, str, spr, squ). 

We can teach inferring for a variety of purposes. Children can infer how a character feels, about why a character behaves a certain way, or even the theme of a book. This week we'll continue to practice this higher level reading skill of making inferences. 

In grammar we continue our focus on verbs. This week we will zone into changing a verb based on its tense (past, present, or future). Your children are doing their best using all the phonics, spelling, and grammar rules they know to apply this skill in their writing!

Have you asked your child about what topics they have chosen to write nonfiction (informational) pieces of writing about yet? We're going to start publishing very soon! 

This week's NEWS and NOTES
  • December 4th (TODAY) - Afternoon field trip to Laclede Groves
  • December 7th - Santa's Workshop 
  • December 18th - 2nd Change Challenge Collection 
  • December 18th - CCLS Advent Service 6:00pm 
  • December Reading Logs Due December 19th or 20th 
  • December 21st - Christmas breaks begins
