Sunday, December 9, 2018

Week of December 10th

Happy Monday! Two more full week of school before Christmas break. The children are getting anxious, as we prepare for Jesus' birth! 
To get in the spirit, we were able to read Christmas stories to our preschool reading buddies last week...
Did you hear about the "Hour of Code?" 
If not, ask your second grader about how they dabbled with coding last week!
Wow! Many of them know way more than I do! 
This week we'll continue to read about the story of Jesus' birth. As we read, we'll discuss how we think the different characters were feeling and carry on the topic of "making inferences" as we read different perspectives of the Christmas story from The Bible. 
The spelling rule this week is "bossy R." These r-controlled words have the "ar" and "or" spelling patterns. 

Inferring is kind of like the big umbrella and predicting fits neatly under it. But what’s the difference between them? We'll be investigating the two this week... Predicting is when you use your schema + clues the author gives you to make an “educated” guess. A prediction can usually be confirmed or denied through further reading. Making inferences also requires your schema + clues the author gives you to make a guess, but inferences are not clearly confirmed or denied through reading. Wow! We'll be working hard!

Our targeted grammar skill will challenge second graders to identify linking verbs and helping verbs this week.

In their own writing, second graders will continue to work diligently as they consider their audience and work on engaging them with descriptions, interesting facts, or an enticing lead. Students will also be using their Google accounts to safely search for images that correspond to their nonfiction writing pieces. I have mentioned to the kiddos that they can always use their google account at home too! Therefore, here are some steps for finding more images at home... This is completely optional and while children search images, it's always smart to monitor the search by an adult. - in depth tutorial - quick tutorial 

This week's NEWS and NOTES
  • Week of December 17th - 2nd Change Challenge Collection 
    •  Last month we collected about $110.00 dollars! What a great start to our $250 goal!
  • December 17th - CCLS Advent Service 6:30pm  
  • December Reading Logs Due December 21st
  • December 21st - Class Christmas Party!   
  • December 21st - End of 2nd Quarter - Christmas breaks begins

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