Sunday, August 16, 2015


As a child, the first week of school was always one of my favorites... Starting back up with regular routines at home and learning new ones at school. Buying fresh, new school supplies and organizing my desk. Checking the class list and jumping for joy because all my friends were in my class. And of course, meeting my new teacher, which was never a disappointment. Through the excitement, I also had nerves. I had anxiety about all the uncertainties, but there was one thing that I could always count on. God's love.
I'm absolutely thrilled to begin this new chapter of my life in second grade with you all. As a CCLS graduate, I feel extremely blessed to be back in this loving community and can't wait to start growing together with your children each day. I'm equally overjoyed to share the gift of God's love with your child each and every day, and that is why I love our theme this year!!
1 Thessalonians 3:12
May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other.
I pray that this year we are so filled with God's love that our love for each other grows and overflows for all of those around us.
During religion this week, we will dive into the meaning of this year's theme verse and discuss what love overflowing might look like in our families, our school, our comminutes, and even our world. This week's memory work is our theme verse, which is written above (and pasted in your child's planner). Memory work will be recited for a grade every Friday. Start learning that verse!
Spelling, Grammar and Writing
Spelling and grammar lessons will tie into the reading lessons Mrs. Leet teaches in the morning. Those will begin next week. Our focus this week will be building friendships and establishing classroom community. Because of that, there are a few spelling words I have already posted in our classroom.  Please take note that these words will not be tested. 
  •    friend
  •    teamwork
  •    caring
In writing, we will start our summer stories! Don't forget to help your child bring in pictures, tickets stubs, or other fun summer reminders so they can create their summer posters!
The kids will also be creating "I Am Special" books. This helps me get to know and assess everyone's various writing talents.
Science and Social Studies
This week is all about getting to know each other! We will be focus on building relationships and learning about friendship. Some books we will be reading include First Day Jitters The Crayon Box that Talked Enemy Pie, and Shel Silversteins Poem "What's in the Sack".
Don't forget to send your child with their "sack" on Tuesday, August 18th. I can't wait to learn more about each student and see what special items come to school! Through reading these stories we will discuss feelings, problems and solutions, and some really great vocabulary words.
News and NOTES
  • Library starts September 1st
  • CCLS Day at Busch Stadium September 7th
  • First field trip September 17th - Apple picking
  • No school September 18th (Professional development day for teachers
  • Carnival October 16-17th
  • Please take some time to see how you can volunteer at CCLS by looking at our teammates website...
I'm so excited for this school year!
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
My e-mail is

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